Learn about the biomechanics of Bowen through mechanobiology in Module 4.
The science of touch on tissues..
All lessons in the module include video, text, quizzes and pdfs. And you have Lifetime access!
The science of touch on tissues..
Mechanophysiology & Bowen
Let's start with mechanotransduction. What happens when force is exerted onto tissues?
I mean, at a cellular level? Biochemical changes. Does the Bowen move help transduce physiological changes in tissue? Yes. Now, we're talking. #transduction
Now, here we are naturally referring to external forces on tissue structures –because there are already innate internal forces going on. In this module we go quite a little deep(er). My favourite new area of soft tissue medicine is mechanobiology. Welcome!
This Module introduces mechanobiology into our understanding of Bowen.
Through this field of study, we learn so much more about the Bowen Technique. Some questions we ponder and answer:
What are fibroblasts?
What are myofibroblasts? What do they do?
What are the healing substances we may influence?
Why is intermittent touch good, and when?
What influence or changes to the matrix do mechanical forces have, especially Bowen?
Finally: Do we want to add depth and meaning to our work
In Module 4 we are introduced to mechanobiology, what it is, and why you greatly benefit to understand in relation to Bowen Therapy! We then progress into healing substances, non-neuronal cells of the connective tissue matrix, scar-tissue as well, and how your Bowen touch causes tissue modifications...
Join me. Start here to be an excellent knowledgeable Bowen Therapist.
Full 6-module course
An online video-based theoretical course to advance your knowledge about the mechanisms of Bowen related to fascia and mechanobiology. Delve into a deeper cellular level. Designed for Bowen therapists, though open to everyone! Over 100 lessons!