Learn about the importance of fluids, collagen and what it has all got to do with Bowen and spasticity.

In this Module 6 we will look at the fluidity within the fascia matrix, how Bowen does in fact 'move water', as well as one reason why Bowen has success with spasticity - revealing the biomechanics of why Tom Bowen achieved results...

Lots of lessons which include video, text, quizzes and pdfs.
picture of the hands applying a Bowen Move with muscle movement diagram

What you will learn in Module 6

Fluid dynamics, cross links and spasticity

What are we trying to do?

How does fluidity and the collagen-abundant fascia relate to spasticity?

We may say: moving fluid, ‘releasing’ knots or restrictions, balancing the tensional forces in the body via fascia manipulation... In this Module, we go further & learn about the transmission of forces in relation to Bowen; we familiarise ourselves with collagen cross-links and some really interesting fluid dynamics features, which (again) supports the features and functions of Bowen. Furthermore, you’ll understand the significance of Tom Bowen working closely with disabled children (spasticity).
manual therapy image of hands with fascia and crystals representing crystalline collagen

Fluidity and Collagen.

In the last Module of the course we delve into fluid dynamics within the body, how Bowen affects this, and more about the most abundant protein that makes up our body: collagen. These topics lead us to understand Bowen much better as well as spasticity.

  • Fascia is hydrophilic. It loves water. It is mainly water. Does our Bowen touch make this water healthy?

  • Why is fascia rigidity related to micro-spasticity? How does Bowen help?

  • What are collagen cross-links, and isn't collagen good? Why do we want to 'break it up'?

  • Why would applying our Bowen Moves very slowly be uniquely effective for certain outcomes?

  • Finally: Do we want to add depth and meaning to our work

Bowen moves water and rearranges fascia...

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In Module 6 we look at the lymphatics, the fluids that stream through our body, our fascia and how the Bowen manoeuvres do push water along...which creates healthy fascia!  We also learn that there are a few useful adjustments we can make to our Bowen moves in accordance with what  fascia science tells us.  Stagnation in our fascial system is unhealthy, and manual therapy with Bowen certainly does help this. What's more, you will understand at least one key reason why Tom Bowen had success with disabled children. Lots in this final Module!

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Benefits of this Module

  • Understand

    When we think of how we are made of water and fascia is mostly water, we don't consider what happens when we apply these stretches to the tissues - does this make unhealthy water in the fascia, healthy? Yes. You will learn how and why and much morein relation to the Bowen Technique!

  • Transfer into practice

    Your depth of knowledge and understanding will be transferred into your clinical practice. When you learn what could be occurring beneath your hands, electromechanically, this wisdom goes far beyond your current work–rather, it is now applied to any new therapeutic skill.