Would you love to understand fascia & Bowen?
Lessons include video, text, quizzes and pdfs.
Fundamentals [Fascia & Bowen]
We first ask the question: What are we touching?
Well, skin, muscles and fascia. Right and...wrong. Knowing the fabric we work with, we stimulate and manipulate is essential. Bowen Therapy will makes so much more sense after.This Module really sets the stage for the following modules and our fundamental knowledge about what and how we are influencing health via the connective tissue system. Here, we start from the beginning as we move through the layers and other important substances.
What are the fascial layers we touch?
What is included as fascial tissue (according to current research)
Do we know what the septa is? Why should we?
What is HA and why is it important?
What happens with stress and fascia?
Finally: Do we want to add depth and meaning to our work
We begin with the basics about fascia, progressing to what we need to know in relation to Bowen Therapy - that is to say: expanding our knowledge about fascia is intimately linked in with our understanding of the biomechanics of Bowen.
Each topic and sub-topic progresses into the nature of fascia, its innervation, and integrating this knowledge (plus new insights!) into the Bowen technique. Knowing about the fabric you are manipulating is essential!
Join me. Start here to be an excellent knowledgeable Bowen Therapist.
The Biology of Bowen
An online video-based theoretical course to advance your knowledge about the mechanisms of Bowen related to fascia and mechanobiology. Delve into a deeper cellular level. Designed for Bowen therapists, though open to everyone! Over 100 lessons!