Learn about the electric properties of connective tissue in relation to Bowen.
Module 5 will enrich your knowledge about the electric nature of fascia and Bowen.
Lots of lessons which include video, text, quizzes and pdfs.
Module 5 will enrich your knowledge about the electric nature of fascia and Bowen.
The Electric Network & Bowen
What is the piezoelectric phenomena and streaming potentials?
And how do electric field & mechanical stress (notably Bowen Therapy) influence tissue?In this aweseome Module (terrific graphics too) we explore the electricomechanical processes in the connective tissue matrix and how our Bowen manipulations may contribute to this phenomena.
What does fascia's conductivity got to do with (Bowen) manual therapy?
What's collagen got to do with electric potential?
Why would the Bowen manoeuvre maximise electric potential?
What is tissue remodelling and turnover?
Why is intermittent touch effective; what's it got to do with matrix turnover?
Finally: Do we want to add depth and meaning to our work
In Module 5 we unite our understanding of the organism as electric in nature with scientific principles and explanations of fascia as being conductive --> this sets us on a windy path of 'streaming potentials', piezoelectricity, collagen, matrix turnover and other fun topics that cumulatively shine the light on our understanding of our soft tissue work with Bowen. Your vocabulary will expand too!
Join me. Start here to be an excellent knowledgeable Bowen Therapist.
The Biology of Bowen course
An online video-based theoretical course to advance your knowledge about the mechanisms of Bowen related to fascia and mechanobiology. Delve into a deeper cellular level. Designed for Bowen therapists, though open to everyone! Over 100 lessons!