The Biology of Bowen
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)An online video-based theoretical course to advance your knowledge about the mechanisms of Bowen related to fascia and mechanobiology. Delve into a deeper cellular level. Designed for Bowen therapists, though open to everyone! Over 100 lessons!
A Biologia de Bowen
CourseUm curso online para aprofundar os seus conhecimentos sobre os mecanismos de Bowen, através da fáscia e da mecanobiologia. Concebido principalmente para os terapeutas Bowen, mas aberto a todos! Mais de 100 aulas!
Η Βιολογία του Bowen
CourseΈνα διαδικτυακό μάθημα για να εμβαθύνετε τις γνώσεις σας σχετικά με τους μηχανισμούς Bowen μέσω της περιτονίας και της μηχανοβιολογίας. Σχεδιασμένο κυρίως για θεραπευτές Bowen, αλλά ανοιχτό σε όλους! Περισσότερα από 100 μαθήματα!
The 3 Things You Must Know as a Bowen Therapist
Digital downloadA 25Page Report about what every Bowen Therapist needs to know! These are 3 pillars of Bowen-wisdom. Whether you're a novice Bowen Therapist, or experienced one - you'll discover what the foundational keys to healing with Bowen are.
Moving with Ease with Bowen
CourseA Live Webinar this January 15th, 2023. Presenting a science-based approach in understanding why and how Bowen Therapy improves mobility. Registrations are open to participate. Recording of the Webinar is also available for purchase.
CourseIn this mini course you'll learn about connective tissue/fascia specifically related to Bowen Therapy. Grounded in fascia research and interwoven with key features of Bowen - you'll achieve greater knowledge that will empower your work! Essential!
Knowledge is power...down to your healing hands.
The Biology of Bowen - Feature Course